Donne and Wit Student Book

Donne and Wit Student Book


This student book is a comparative study of the prescribed poems of John Donne and Margaret Edson’s play, Wit for the NSW Stage 6 English Year 12 Advanced Module A: Textual Conversations.

Throughout this book, students have the opportunity to engage in an enjoyable and detailed comparative study that will improve their critical knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the resonances and dissonances between the texts. Students will develop their understanding of the different ways Donne and Edson are influenced by other texts, and how this shapes meaning, by engaging in a variety of critical and creative activities. These activities will improve their understanding of the content of the texts, the ideas and issues the conversation between the texts encourages audiences to think about, the language used, and the way the texts have been structured. Students will also learn to how to support their judgements about textual conversations with evidence from both texts and their contexts, along with developing their understanding of scholarly perspectives gathered from further independent research.

The John Donne poems covered in this Student Book include:

  1. ‘The Sunne Rising’

  2. ‘The Apparition’

  3. ‘A Valediction: forbidding mourning’

  4. ‘This is my playes last scene’

  5. ‘At the round earth’s imagin’d corners’

  6. ‘If poysonous mineralls’

  7. ‘Death be not proud’

  8. ‘Hymne to God my God, in my sicknesse’

This student book is a highly valuable resource for students and teachers of the NSW Stage 6 English Advanced Module A: Textual Conversations. It includes:

  1. Engaging classroom activities to develop skills in comprehension, analysis, interpretation, comparison, and evaluation of texts.

  2. Multi-modal tasks, including tasks that require students to work collaboratively.

  3. A variety of discursive, persuasive, and imaginative structured writing tasks modelled on the Paper 2 examination questions for Module C.

  4. Sample essay questions modelled on the Paper 2 examination questions for Module A.

Authors: Emily Bosco, Anthony Bosco, and Hannah Rappell

Format: A4 paperback, 144 pages

ISBN: 978 1 925771 95 4

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